The Pressure of Being 30

8:56 PM

I'm officially 30 and I still can't seem to fathom the fact that I am already old. And somehow - one day into this kind of reality - I have come to understand why there are lots of young adults who seemingly couldn't handle life properly. 

When you turn 30 years old, it's as if there's this automatic push to mature. It's like since we're at this age already, we are expected to act according to how the society expects us to. Most times, people are not prepared. Things are forced; that's why in the end, lives get ruined. So unfair.

I really don't know how I've arrived at this comprehension of this part of adulthood. Admittedly, Kim Heechul is a huge factor because from him, I've learned that maturity doesn't always need to show. Not all the times do we need to exhibit the manifestation of maturity in us, especially when its definition is heavily dictated by the shallow thinking of people around us. It is okay to be weird, to look immature. After all, life doesn't really implement strict rules. It's just us, people, who presume that it does. It's not selfish. It doesn't always demand to be taken seriously. Most importantly, life doesn't require us to shed the skin we're comfortable in - no matter our ages are.

To be honest, days before I turned thirty, I felt the pressure I'm talking about. I admit I spent quite a long time figuring out just how I should be. But the more time I spend on it, the more humiliating it felt. And I knew I just didn't have to do it. We are all specifically designed as ourselves so why do we have to be someone else? 

Life is already difficult as it is. We don't need to make it more complicated just to fit in to the standards set by this shallow society. Like Hwa Sa said, "if I couldn't fit in with the standards of this world, then I might as well just be the standard myself."

Cheers to individuality!

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